Dtillan Orsti area map

I posted a map of the city, where I am making geomorphs of 0.2 mile hexagonsa few days ago . This map is of the area around that city.
larger version at the bottom of this page with information on the area on the same page. The map on my site is 997 x 1200.
larger version at the bottom of this page with information on the area on the same page. The map on my site is 997 x 1200.
Above map does not show the forest area in Norhound.
And thanks LoopySue.
Cool map. Love the clouds!
As you all can see, I put the grain, fruit, etc. symbols on top of the farm symbols to shop what is grown in that area. Or to show the main crop.
I think vegetable, and more types of fruit trees, symbols would be good to.
Well, yes, some of the stores and inns along the Traveler's Path are there to uhm... not so much fleece the traveler, but to help them spend their money. Yes, thats how to say that... :-)
Not sure where I got the 'crystal tile' border... it was some years ago.
The geomorphs link above shows links to all of them I have posted to my site.