Vadsbro - Campaign map

To get some inspiration for future maps I've decided to start working on an adventure, that I hopefully can play with my kids. The first map to do was a map of the campaign area. The map is done in the December 2012 style (that I made for Profantasy). I thought it would be fun to try it out now when it is done. The labeling is done in Photoshop the rest in CC3 (apart from the parchment at the top with the name of the area. I also highlighted the small roads a bit). I hope you like it.
Bet you and the kids are going to have lots of fun.
Thoug I would have changed the coloring of the smaller rivers to match that of the bigger ones.
The smaller roads/paths are a little hard to see on my monitor, though. Examples of this are the path that goes around the south of Tvaklint and the longer one that winds through Skymningsskogen. They almost blend in with the background.
It's a really nice area map, and it has a kind of storybook feel to it. Well done (on the map AND on the style)!
P.S. And to cut smart alecks off at the pass... Yes, my eyes have always been eyes I just mean they aren't as good as they used to be. ;-P
And like the way you made smaller rivers come together and form bigger ones. Very logical but often (also by me) overlooked.
@Dogtag, LOL
By the way, I have two burning questions.
- What is the symbol on the hills at the N-NE edge of the Skymningsskogen? And,
- Why do you call it a "Vampaign" map? Do vampires play a prominent role?
~Dogtag@Dogtag . Vampaign is actually no more then a typo, it should be Campaign
The hill symbol is a megalithic grave, in this map it symbols the burial grounds for the Traals (another humanoid race then humans, not as smart but much stronger physically)