Mahdran - a High Fantasy Continent
Hey all, I am reposting my massive continent. There are a lot of mixed and match different symbols and textures and I tried to blend them as best as I could. This map was made for my mmorpg I was designing a while back. Since there are some new faces since I last posted this I am hoping to get some feedback. Also, I need a link to this map at work is the real reason why I am posting again lol
Enjoy this high fantasy map!
Also this is a 12mb image so it may take a while to load. Its rendered in high quality resolution so you can zoom in and take a closer look.

Also this is a 12mb image so it may take a while to load. Its rendered in high quality resolution so you can zoom in and take a closer look.
This thing looks like it took a LOT of work. Kudos on completing such a massive undertaking!
Like it, can see a lot of opportunities for adventures in this map.
Doing the same map in a different style is always worth the effort in my opinion.
Its a good way to learn to work with CC3.
And try to stick to one style at first, the HW style has plenty of symbols and textures, especially if you have the annuals as well.
Oh, and a smaller pic would be appriciated.
This one totally freezes up my ipad :-)