October Community Challenge - City Streets - VOTING POLL in first post

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer

Time for another little challenge here in the forum. This time, the challenge is city streets.

The short basics of it; you have the month of October to make a nice street map. As in a single short street segment, not a large section of the city.

As usual, I am using the Community Atlas as a basic for the challenge. This time, I have picked the city of Dunor on Ezrute as the location.

I've marked out 20 street locations in the map below. To participate, just post in this thread stating which one you want. First come, first serve, if the one you want is already taken, you have to pick another. I recommend refreshing the page immediately after posting your claim just to make sure someone didn't manage to post the same claim just before you. Should that happen, edit your post to change your claim. I marked 20 locations for now, but should more people want to join in, I'll easily add more locations, so 20 isn't a limit.

As always, even if the challenge is set in the community atlas world, you don't have to submit your map to the atlas unless you want to, the competition is for everyone, contributing to the atlas or not. Likewise, this challenge is for every skill level. If more than 3 entries, we'll have a public vote for best map in the end, but the main point here isn't to be the best, but to challenge yourself. So, please participate even if you don't believe you don't stand a chance to win. Practice makes perfect, and competing in challenges is great practice.

You are free to choose whatever style you want for your map, the only requirement is that you make a street map matching one of the listed locations. If you do intend to contribute your final map to the atlas, you obviously have to adhere to the atlas guidelines.

I picked Dunor for this challenge because the city map doesn't give much detail about the buildings. This gives you great flexibility when making the street map, you are pretty free to make it the way you want. Give the city map a good look before starting to decide what buildings should be in that street location, and get to mapping. The street should obviously roughly match what you see in the city map (number of buildings, shape, placement), but it is expected that the less detailed city map won't be perfect, so do adapt, tweak and make it look nice, don't treat the city map as a straitjacket.

Please do take your time, and you are encouraged to make a WIP thread in the forum for your map. WIP threads are great inspiration for others, and a great way to get some comments.

(larger map)

You can grab the .fcw of the city from the atlas page.

Check out this map for an example.

The challenge will run for the entire month of October. Post your finished map in this thread when you are done.

(I'll update this list as I have the time, but please don't assume it is free just because I haven't gotten to update the list, check below if there are anyone claiming it, I am not watching this thread 24/7)

  1. @Quenten
  2. @Loopysue ✔️
  3. @WeathermanSweden ✔️
  4. @Chipohoy
  5. @Autumn Getty
  6. @Maidhc O Casain ✔️
  7. @Dreadnought ✔️
  8. @Raiko
  9. @Lillhans ✔️
  10. @Theschabi ✔️


The contest is now over, and here are the 6 entries that were handed in before the end of the month. Please use the poll below to vote for which you think is the best one. The poll will stay open until the end of November 7th. When voting, please don't just look at the prettiest map, but also how well it solved the challenge, i.e. being a map of the selected location in the city of Dunor. This is a mapping challenge, not an art challenge after all.

For everyone participating, please remember this voting is just a bit of extra fun, the main things is taking part in this challenge and challenging yourself. There are people of all skill levels in this forum, and challenges such as this isn't just meant for those that stand a chance of winning the vote in the end, winning isn't the main focus here, but rather to participate. Even if someone should get 0 votes, don't despair, it doesn't mean nobody liked your map, it just means that nobody felt your map was the best of the bunch.

1. Maidhc O Casain (Location 14)

2. Loopysue (Location 2)

3. Lillhans (Location 19)

4. Theschabi (Location 20)

5. WeathermanSweeden (Location 6)

6. Dreadnought (Location 17)

  1. Which map do you think was the best map in this competition?19 votes
    1. Maidhc O Casain - Location 14
    2. Loopysue - Location 2
    3. Lillhans - Location 19
    4. Theschabi - Location 20
    5. WeathermanSweeden - Location 6
    6. Dreadnought - Location 17
Autumn GettyjmabbottLoopysueRaikoTheschabiMapjunkieWyvernWeathermanSweden


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