Fill a FT export contour in CC3

Hi, I have created a map in FT and exported to CC3. Unfortunately, some areas which were lakes in FT have been exported as forests. I'd like to turn them back into lakes. Is there a way to get CC3 to fill an existing contour area, or do I need to manually trace the outline of the contour to achieve the fill?

Thanks for any help!



  • What I meant to say is that the Altitude export shows them as land. The Climate export does correctly show water.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Do you have the option to multi-poly contours turned on?

    If not, lakes won't create holes in the landmass, causing them to appear as hollow contours. You can turn these solid simply by changing the the fill style of them from hollow to solid, and set an appropriate color.
  • Thank you, Monsen! That's just what I needed.
  • ... except when I make the change, as soon as I zoom out or save/restore the file, the change I made vanishes along with the contours I was using, subsumed into the surrounding format. I am clearly profoundly misunderstanding something. I am new to CC3 and FT, and clearly have a lot to learn. Thank you anyway.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    It is probably just behind the landmass. You'll want to put the lake on a different sheet.

    The reason you notice this happen when you zoom, is that CC3+ doesn't do a complete redraw for every thing you do. Redraws take time, and would make the program feel sluggish if they happened all the time, so typically when you make changes, they will temporarily appear on top of everything, only being drawn in the correct order when you issue a redraw (through the redraw command, or by zooming or scrolling)
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