Atlas Ferraris Syle

Would some enterprising artist please create a map style vis that found in the Atlas Ferraris? Link to the main page is here: Just click on a map (rectangle with name and number inside) and then click on the link that pops up above the main image.

I really like that type of map and were my artistic ability better than it is, I'd do it myself, but alas, such are crap and have not gotten any better in decades of practice.

There is a Napoleonic style in one of the old annuals, which I have, but it does not have the fills, hills, and roads in the style of Ferraris.

Particularly, if you view the map links, look at the larger cities, such as Ath or Tournai, as that style of city is what I'd also like to pain on the overall map. It may be doable within City Builder 3, but I'd like to see that on a world map, if at all possible.


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