error after new install

I upgraded to a new and significantly more powerful computer. After trying several times to reinstall CC3+, I'm getting the following dialogue error. any help would be appreciated.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Never seen that exact message before, but the wording makes me think you have gotten an old .dll into your CC3+ directory. Did you make sure to only install CC3+-compatible addons, and not older versions of any add-on/product?
  • IthrilIthril Traveler
    I installed CC3+, and CC 3.43.
    Do I need to uninstall them, install CC3+, and then install CC 3.43?

    Once the dialogue is dismissed, CC3+ appears to run normally

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Yea, it looks like the XP understand that something is wrong, and simply doesn't run.

    I would probably uninstall both, and after uninstalling, manually make sure that the CC3+ directory (c:\program files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus) is completely gone, since uninstall would only have removed what the installer itself put there, so anything that didn't belong there would probably still be there after an uninstall.

    Then make 100% sure that none of the CC3 stuff gets installed into the CC3+ directory.

    Do you really need to install CC3 though? All add-ons are now CC3+ compatible.
  • IthrilIthril Traveler
    Possibly. Some of the naming conventions are confusing whether they're supposed to be CC3+ or not.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    I think just about every add-on for CC3plus have "forCC3plus" as part of the file name, except Perspectives 3, which only exists for CC3 plus.
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