Large to Small - Going from Regional to Local Maps

A very common questions from new users is how to make a new map from part of their existing one.

To address this, I've now published a new blog article titled Large to Small - Going from Regional to Local Maps. It even comes with a video to illustrate the steps (I am still waiting on Dogtag to make a proper video tutorial though, this is just a silent support video to a written tutorial).

Now, I know you experienced old gents and young ladies here don't need this, you're probably quite familiar with this already, this is written mostly for newer users. But this is a proper article which you can link anyone asking this question in the future to, and I would appreciate if people did so. And should you ever forget the link, remember that the links to all my articles here in the forum and the blog can easily be found in the Interesting, Important and Helpful topics sticky, just click the "Command of the Week" link inside there, and you'll end up on a post with links to everything.


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