Atlas June Challenge - Mooserun Bakehouse

This is my contribution to the challenge. Please use in the atlas if it is suitable. This is the final version.

The Bakehouse in Mooserun had earned a reputation for stale bread and uninspiring, if not downright distrustful, ingredients. This was before it was sold and taken over by the new owners.

It is now a purveyor of finely crafted loaves and other baked products. In addition it provides a much needed service for the residents of Mooserun, allowing them to cook their stews and pies in the large peel ovens once the day's bread making is done.

Bread delivery is still a problem as the bakehouse horse only appears when it feels like it. No one knows where it goes when not pulling the bakehouse cart. Sometimes no one knows where it is going when it is pulling the cart.

Baking is a hot business and the staff are encouraged to drink ale to keep themselves refreshed. Occasional bouts of over-refreshment have resulted in some odd shaped loaves and some burnt ones. These are given away for toast at the end of the day.


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