Font Selection

A question re Font Selection for CC3 and perhaps CD3 / DD3.

When I want to select a font I always go to the "More Fonts" window so I can see a preview. In many cases as I click each font the preview doesn't change. Is this...
1) The font isn't loaded / installed?
2) It is for a different style of map (e.g. Pete Fenton from the annuals)
3) My printer can't handle it?
4) CC3 et al is looking somewhere in it's own directory while the fonts are usually held (I assume) in the Windows or MSOffice folder.
These are only guesses, and I suspect I am showing that I know just enough to be dangerous.
I suppose I am wary of downloading fonts as I am not sure where to put them. I usually download stuff to a downloads folder in My documents and click and drag it from there to wherever if I turns out useful (Gandwarfs Cities Tutorial certainly was!).
Any answers to this?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    edited February 2009
    Seems like the preview doesn't show correctly for symbol type fonts, i.e. fonts that doesn't use normal letters. In this case, it will just show them with a default font type. If you look through several symbol fonts in a row, you will therefore seems like it is not changing.

    To correctly install fonts in windows:
    1. Go to the control panel, and open "Fonts" (You may need to switch your control panel to classic display to find this easily)
    2. File --> Install New Font..
    3. Browse to the directory where your new font is (If it was zipped up, remember to unzip the font file (*.ttf files) into a temporary directory first
    4. Select the fonts you want from the list, make sure the "Copy fonts to Fonts folder" is checked, and hit ok
    5. Voila. The new fonts should be available. You might need to restart any running programs to have them recognize the new font
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