Wish List - Walls

It would be nice if CD3 handled walls like it handles roads. That is to say - a plain wall is nothing more than a type of road. So why not have various wall types and then handle them like CD3 handles roads? It would make the laying of them very easy. Or at least a lot easier than how they are done presently. Then, once the basic wall was laid out - all you have to do is to go back and do the turrets, minarets (spelling?), portcullises, and so on.

Also - (while I am on the subject) - there is a difference between scaling something and the length of that item. There presently isn't any way to adjust the length of the wall segment. I can scale it, but the wall segments only come in one size and scaling it makes it look stretched whereas if I could say the segment was 1.5 miles long (or maybe 1.5 kilometers long) then the wall segment would grow to be that size.

And finally, if it were treated like a road then we could use the end-snap feature to ensure that the end of the walls match up. :-)
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