My school age world of Al'Ayn

This is a world I doodled up when I was 12, and had just come back from a school trip to Norfolk Island, 5 km south of Norfolk island is a barren island called Phillip Island (named after Australia's first Governor, and leader of the First Fleet that started the prison colony at Sydney - yes, you were right, Aussies are all criminally inclined :D ). The map of PhillipIsland intrigued me, and I designed a continent based on it. (the actual island is only 2x2 km). Then the world making began, with history, theology and a book based on final sacrifice and redemption. More of that in a later post. This has stayed with me, and influenced mu present world of Myirandios, with many of the same Gods, Anyway, here is the map I drew as a kid, then years later drew it in CC2 Pro, and now I will update it nito CC3+ probably 13th Age style. Early advice desired.


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