Community Atlas -Skorra Village, Glaciär Kristol Region, Ezrute

Hi all. So, here's what i've come up with for a village in the beautiful icy mountains and lake region in Shessar's Ezrute map on the Community Atlas Project

There is a clan of hardy folk who choose to live the hardest of lives, in a place most already think is the hardest place to live in all the lands of (insert World name here). But those who live in Skorra brave the coldest and most bitter of weather and live in the lands of the icy mountain region known as Glaciär Kristol, where White and Frost Dragons roam the lands, for the prized resources this land has to offer. With year round winters, those who live here manage to live most comfortably, but it is hard earned, for sure. It is in Glaciär Kristol's deep lakes, hidden in icy caves where the elusive delicacy, Ezrute Cod resides along with the delicious, yet deadly Giant Snow Crab, which can pull a fisherman right down an ice hole into the cold, dark watery depths.

Getting to the Kristol Caves is a long journey, mostly taken by sleds pulled by winter huskies. Then a long, dangerous trip deep, down to the ice caves of the Glaciär. It is here they drill deep holes into the ice searching for hidden ice lakes and the elusive cod. But beware.....for if an unfortunate fisherman's net gets picked by a Giant Snow Crab he could be pulled so quickly into the his own fishing hole before he had a chance to take his last breath! This makes these two delicacies so very valuable in the lands of (insert World name here).

For those who fear the icy, cold depths of the swiftly flowing water of the Glaciär, there are also the mines deep within the icy mountains. One can find hoards of gems deep within the mountains, but beware, it is here the dark dwarves mine away greedily at the Blue Ice diamond, a highly coveted spell component by arcane practioners, as well as the most gifted of gold and silver smiths.

There is also another gem of the icy lands of Ezrute other than the diamonds ....that is Varmstadt thermal springs. Discovered by the famous adventurer Gunner Varmstadt and his companions, these springs are heated by the deep underwater volcanic activity in the southern polar region of (insert world name here) For those willing to take the long journey to Skorr, the rumored healing benefits of the thermal springs again, makes the journey worthwhile, and profitable for guides leading those safely through the frozen mountain passes.

(i figure this gives plenty of other mapping area ideas for others to map in the region, as well....mines, ice caves, thermal springs, etc)

Link to high res copy of Skorra


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