Frustrated Please Help

When trying to export my program freezes and crashes. My map is 10000x8000 but I'm also aware of the Ram issue and I have a PDF Printer as well, in trying to get past this bug..

What I'm getting at..

Can you tell me how to input coordinates when trying to export as a region instead of using my mouse? It's quite ineffective.

Also, Do you know a way to use the Print function without it scaling the image at all, keeping the original dimensions from CC3?

Please help


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    edited July 2016
    Are you using CC3 or CC3+? (CC3+ is generally a bit better on exporting, less crashy on large values)

    when you do a rectangular image export and CC asks for the coordinate, you can simply type them in on the command line, just ignore the mouse and start typing. Coordinates are simply the x value, followed by a comma, followed by the y value, followed by enter. Don't use spaces.

    To print without scaling, in the print dialog, select the 'scaled' option, and put in a 1 in both map size and print size. Your map needs to be pretty small for this to make any sense though. Most CC3 maps printed using this option would take hundreds or thousands of sheets of paper.
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