Troubleshooting Vintyri Installation

So, I downloaded the Vintyri Collection, downloaded and read the installation guide, and as far as I can tell, I followed the instructions for installing into cc3+.

I was expecting g those troublesome error messages that the guide mentioned... Never received any. The only error messages I received was that one zip file was empty, and one symbol from one file couldn't be copied.

So afterward I opened up cc3+ to take a look at all the new symbols. I see the toolbar buttons across the top, but they are blank. I try to access the Vintyri Collection, I see those dreaded red x's. So evidentially I screwed up in my installation. Apparently I can't follow the simplest of instructions, as the installation guide is pretty straight forward. Can anyone help me figure out what I did wrong?


  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Something doubtless is in the wrong place or missing. But there isn't enough information in your posting to give me a good clue as to what or where.
  • Okay, Vintyri, I tried to take a screen shot of my cc3plus folder, and I couldn't even get that to work, so let me try to explain, as best I can, what happened with my installation. I think I know what I may have done wrong... the problem is, I don't know enough to make sure. It says to move the unzipped folders into the data folders in cc3+.

    When I look at the c:/program data/profantasy/cc3plus, I look inside the cc3plus folder and I see the folders Bitmaps, Documentation, Encryption...etc. down to Tutorials. Those are the folders that came with cc3plus. Below Tutorials I see the folders for the Vintyri collection - vcc_for cc3+... down to vss5_1_symbols_03

    I see where your instructions tell me to move these folders into the data folders, but I please need you to pretend I'm stupid (and when it comes to any kind of computer manual and any kind of program manipulation I am, believe me), because I don't understand which files need to go into which folders. I realize it should probably be self explanatory, but this is like a foreign language to me. I see the words on the page, but I just don't get it.
  • VintyriVintyri Newcomer
    Why don't you contact me by private E-Mail, and then we can get this solved. This (and the CSUAC question) really are issues with your installation rather than discussions that are much use to the forum as a whole:
  • I will do that, thanks. And you're right...this isn't the place for it.
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