Printing Large Maps Across Multiple Pages

Hey All,

How do you configure CC3+ to print large maps over multiple pages/tiling? Title kind of says it all.


  • Blackadder23Blackadder23 Traveler
    edited October 2015
    I guess you could save the map as a large graphics file, open it with a graphics program, and then use 'print setup' to print it however you like? I've never tried printing any maps directly from CC3 or CC3+, but I've heard it doesn't work that well. I'd be interested in hearing if you have a good experience with it.
  • What counts as a graphic program - GIMP? And if so how would I do it from there?
  • I do not have CC3+ loaded but if it's similar to CC3 then when going to the file menu and then selecting print drawing, at the bottom it shows both scaling and tiling. Using the help menu shows how to use the functions. The only time I've had problems with CC3 printing across multiple pages has been due to my own fault. Again this is for CC3 only but hopefully it's still similar in CC3+.
  • Can you give me a screen shot example of how the print settings should look to print a map where each grid square is 1"? I'm trying to print a 36"x48" map if that matters
  • edited October 2015
    I took the time to actually read the manual and found it to be very simple. NEXT question! When I try and print using the print wizard (printing to PDF) it just... hangs. The program doesn't crash, it just seems to lock up. Is it because the image is really big? I have attached the map in question. I've been able to print a 100x100 map to pdf... but not this one.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Just give it time. I tried to print it to PDF, and it was processing for almost 15 minutes before finishing. Not sure exactly what, but something in the map causes a long processing time.
  • So I've been waiting about 25 minutes and its still just hanging. This is extremely frustrating because I don't know why its taking so long. I've printed maps to PDF before and there was maybe a few minutes of hang time but nothing like this. I've attached a screen shot again to show what CC3+ is doing.
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