Building a world with high resolution, real world data in FT3

I am brand new to FT3, GIS, and Cartography.

I am trying to learn enough to start creating a world based on real world data. I have successfully imported ETOPO1 data with the help of these forums and that works great for a whole world overview. But it does not work well when I want to zoom into a small region for fine detail. I have also successfully imported an individual one degree by one degree USGS BIL file, n39_w123_1arc_v3.bil. This looks really good in high detail. But it does not cover the area I am interested in. The area I would like to map consists of of an area 4 degrees by 3 degrees, ie 12 of these bil files.

Is there someway to combine these twelve files into FT3? Is there some way to combine these files with the ETOPO1 data so that I can have the overall world at the ~1km resolution, but the area I would like to be finer to be made from the higher resolution ESGS 1arc data, ~30 meter resolution.


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