Does anyone know what software was used to make this?

I found this world image on R Scott Bakker's website. IT looks like some software was used to make it, perhaps similar to Fractal Terrains, but I find the locations of mountain ranges to be far more convincing (aside from the weird circles). Does anyone have an idea what software it might be?

I'd like to bring something like this into CC3 and work with it there.


  • edited July 2015
    Those weird circles are apparently intentional. :)

    From A superb map of Earwa from Scott Bakker's PRINCE OF NOTHING:
    Meanwhile, Bakker has published his original rough working map of Earwa (drawn c. 1984) on his website. Curiously this map includes the 'mountain rings' shown on the digital maps which some fans had dismissed as graphical artifacts. However, these are now confirmed as deliberate. Whilst the rings around Golgotterath - presumably formed by the crash of the Ark of the Heavens, the bad guys' organic starship - have an easy explanation, the others do not. Curious.
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