Error Message

I have just started to make a DD3 map, but when i click on the default water button (or wall, terrain, floor or cave), i get an error message saying "No Matching Drawing Tool - There is no draw tool matching your selection in the current draw tool style". Any ideas as to why i am getting this error, and how i can fix it?



  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Are you working in CC3+ or CC3?

    Check the File Drawing Properties. What is the drawing style for the map? If you are working with DD3, it should be "Dungeon DD3 Color".
  • I am using the DD3 plugin for CC3 +.

    The style was CC3 Dungeon, i have now set it to DD3 colour. Not sure how it got changed though.

    Thanks for the help
  • New issue - whenever i now draw a cave / water feature etc, it just fills it with the background fill, regardless of whether i choose different styles (i selected one of the water sludge styles). Clearly i have buggered something up, but not sure what or how!
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I'm now pretty sure you started from a wrong template (CC3 Dungeon instead of DD3 Dungeon), as this error seems to indicate that the bitmap fills are not included in your map. Can you restart a fresh drawing based on the DD3 Dungeon style?
  • Hi There,

    I started a new map, on a dd3 template, but i get the error message again after i have added some symbols from CC3 (as opposed to just the DD3 symbols). Any ideas why, and how i can get around it?
  • Anybody know the cause of this and a way to fix it?

    I want to add some trees into my map, but am worried that if I use the tools from CC3, I will not be able to use the tools from DD3 afterwards
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    "No matching drawing tool" just means that the type of tool you are trying to access is not defined for the current map style. Which will usually be the case if you started a dungeon map, but want to use an overland tool. Just go back to the Dungeon menu (clicking the DD3 button) and use the DD3 tools again. You can always switch back and forth between different styles by changing the map style in the Drawing Properties. You won't mess up anything permanently by switching it.

    If you are still having problems, we'll need some more specific information. Can you post your map here? Which drawing tools are you trying to use?
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