saving map as image, can't seem to get right dimensions for alignment

I've got a map that is 132 squares wide and 111 squares high. I am saving as a 50 pixel per square map so that translates to 6600x5550 in the save options.

I then use snap and zoom in and select far left lower point of the grid and do the same to the top right.

When the map is finished exporting it has a tiny amount of space on the left side as seen here (use the zoom in to see w/o the white background evernote uses):

I am certain I am on the right points. The width and height is correct (grid overlap maps 1-X for me).

Is there something I need to do to do to get it to actually use the exact selection I tell it to? I've used this same method for all my maps I think and just can't seem to get it to line up right. I can squish the image in my VTT to make it work but I'd like to figure out what I am doing differently now-a-days.


  • Thanks for noticing, Celestian. I've said the same for years but felt like I was the only one.

    Somehow, CC3 adds a pixel at the left and the top of the export. I suspect it has something to do with converting from a continuous size (map units) to a concrete one (pixels).

    My workaround is to add an extra pixel to the export size (6601×5551 in your case) then crop the map with a picture editor (I use PhotoFiltre or the Gimp).
  • I'll give that a shot Joachim.

    Have you tried it with cc3+? I just did and while it still seemed to have a white boarder on the left of the image it was much smaller and didn't completely mess up grid alignment. I'll play with both some more and if I come up with any real solution I'll follow up.
  • edited March 2015
    Same with CC3+.

    I've exported an orange 5×5 square at 50×50 pixels, added the black border for contrast and scaled it up to clearly show the result.
    In the original export (smaller pic), the white edges are exactly one pixel wide.

    If you export at 500×500 the white looks thinner because the picture is bigger but it's still a pixel wide.
  • edited March 2015
    So, trying to find out what the cause of this is and I noticed this:

    Notice the numbers on the top left, that's when the cursor w/snap is over the top right corner of the map... that blue corner. I don't understand why it's not whole numbers because it's one corner of the grid to the other.

    Here is what my map looks on the top left once exported, zoomed in.

    Mine doesn't have the space at the top like yours, just the left side. (remember you'll have to use the zoom because evernote uses white background)
  • edited March 2015
    What your arrow is point at is the polar coordinates meaning that the first number is an angle (hence the " ° " symbol) and the second value is the distance. And it's relative to the last point used.

    When you click on these numbers, you will cycle through four modes:

    1. Empty

    2. Absolute cartesian coordinantes (x,y). The text starts with " T: "

    3. Relative cartesian coodinates (relative to the last point used). The text starts with " @T:"

    4. Relative polar coordinates, that your are displaying. The text starts with " <T: ".

    If you don't have a top white line I suppose the rounding was true this time...

    What your are looking for is mode 2.
  • Thanks once again for the tips. I never knew of this "toggle".
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