jon roberts overland style problems


thanks for any help in advance. i did the tutorial and watched the video (dead parrot island) and i seem to have a pretty good grip on the basic features. but then i download the jon roberts overland style feature and i get nothing but problems.

fist of all if i start with a water background and select the default landmass, select the sheet it goes on and the colour i wish to use, and it always always auto fills to this light beige colour reminiscent of a desert. no matter what advanced options i go to. i found a way to change it by selecting on the fill style properties but then it just gives me a list of skins to choose from. i cant change the colour of the desert to lets say dark or light sand, and i cant just have a desert colour it auto loads the skin with little sand dunes and everything. this is just one example. it practically does this for every kind of terrain i want to do. but i have to manually change the fill style. even if i pick the deafault sea button it will auto fill a beige rounded area. i cant change a thing.

the other problem i am having after about the first thing i put in, it takes 10-15 seconds of thinking time for any action. even just to zoom in/out one increment, press a draw button. any time i do anything that ins't nothing it will wait 10-15 seconds. and sometimes if its a big action like redraw screen will go green for a minute and then re do the action.

the map will also not allow me to change the size. no matter what i do. when opening a new map i select the dimensions (in metric and imperial) and it always gives me the same size map no matter what i pick. i want to make a small map to start and then work my way to large but i do not have that option. in jon roberst the mountains are very very tiny even if the dimension is as small as 100:80 (as in the tutorial). it seems the only way i can do a small area map is if i zoom in very close and do a small small area.

i am running a very strong computer so i doubt this is the problem. i have no issues running top of the line games as well as landscape design software like dynascape. what is going on and what seems to be my mistake. i cant find any reason why this overland map style auto fills (by the way par lindstrom does this as well, I haven't tried any others as i am just getting frustrated at the moment)

thanks again for any help. Cheers!


  • 8 days later
  • Posted By: poppiecock
    the other problem i am having after about the first thing i put in, it takes 10-15 seconds of thinking time for any action. even just to zoom in/out one increment, press a draw button. any time i do anything that ins't nothing it will wait 10-15 seconds. and sometimes if its a big action like redraw screen will go green for a minute and then re do the action.
    Do you have the special effects activated? I discovered that even on a powerful computer, I can only activate the special effects at the end, before rendering the map, but not while I'm editing it, it is just too slow.
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