I really like this. I do like "simple" world/regional maps. It allows the user to expand on details later and not feel bound to an idea they had but have since disregarded. Looking forward to seeing where you take the map next !
These are great and really inspiring...I'd be curious to see how it would look with a little more definition on the rivers and mountains. (i.e. maybe just a subtle black glow)
Posted By: Mateus090985I loved your political map. It is a shame that I cannot trace like that...
You can try using a 2nd coastline (on a different layer) to split continents and then trace those shorter coastlines but I think that wouldn't help much on your map. I had to do it on on the eastern part of the northern continent to do all those small countries quickly.
On the southern continent is just removed a lot of nodes to speed things up.
Fonts used : throrian commonface and priory.
The idea is to add forests and deserts , provinces and cities.
My favorite are the Askalon Islands.
Somehow they screan "adventure".
@Mateus: Looking forward to that, keep in mind that you can change the mountain ranges using the reshape>mirror. That gives you lots of extra options.
A political version including locations of important cities and places, the black/dark areas are cities states
I had to do it on on the eastern part of the northern continent to do all those small countries quickly.
On the southern continent is just removed a lot of nodes to speed things up.