CC3 Patch8 Windows 7 Bug


I happened across two bugs with the Patch8. See if ya can help me out.

When you click on the “Castles! Source Maps” icon in CC3 the drop down dialog excludes the “Browse Castles” option. I don't have any issues with Cities or Tombs.

During normal work flow, now and then, the CC3 window will resize, becoming half the maximum size each time CC3 redraws the map. This is always triggered on a force redraw (Ctrl+R)

It's nothing too earth shattering, but any ideas on how to resolve these issues?



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    1. Strange, it does appear in my menu. While not running Win7, I have a hard time imagining it would cause this. Anyway, find your smc.mnc file in your CC3\System directory, open it up in notepad, and add this line at the bottom:
    Browse castles:|BROWSE;#Castles\;

    2. Sorry. But I haven't encountered this behavior, nor am I able to reproduce it now.
  • Perfect the "Browse castles:|BROWSE;#Castles\;" command words =) Thanks. As for the second issue I will keep notes on my actions and see if I am able to reproduce it.
  • I'm running Win7 and I can attest to the screen resizing issue. I did have the castles icon but fixed it as per Monsens instructions.

    No idea what causes the resizing issue, but it's kinda annoying. Like Avotas says, not earth shattering.
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