Is there a mask function in CC3?

I have placed some symbols on a dungeon floor plan in room 1 but due to the placement of them they span into room 2, with a wall running through them. The placement is ok but I want to apply a mask to hide the portion of the symbols that show in room 2.

There is a sheet called FLOORS MASK which suggests that it may be possible.

Does anyone know how this is done?


  • That's a good question. I want to answer "no" based on how I know things work on a general level, but I'm hoping someone with more knowledge than I has a solution, or can provide more insight into what FLOORS MASK is used for.
  • Since everything that is drawn from within CC2/CC3 is drawn in an order (usually the last entity drawn is the top entity), a mask can be created for the area in question that is placed on top of the offending symbol and it should cover only the area that needs to be covered. Basically, create a polygon the size you want, place it, and alter the order of it's placement using the "above, below, top, or bottom" commands to place it properly. It should draw in such a way as to cover the area you need, but not cover the whole symbol. This isn't exactly the same as Photoshop's "masks", but it will serve the same function. If you are using a bitmap fill, be sure to fill the polygon with the bitmap.

    I don't know what the "FLOOR MASK" sheet is used for, but if I had a guess I would say it probably has something to do with DD2/DD3 and geomorphs or something like that. Most likely it's used to "mask" off floor areas that extend beyond the map border or something like that.
  • I had already managed to mask the offending symbols in the way that Latharion metions above by moving the floor of room 2 to a different sheet and positioning that sheet above the symbols sheet and this is a solid hack. Thanks Latharion :-)

    Does anyone have any other methods / ideas or know anything about the FLOORS MASK sheet?
  • A couple of points to consider with Latharion's method - the "mask" polygon would need to be on the same Sheet or a higher Sheet as the symbol you are masking in order to work. Another thing to consider - if the floor is a simple, solid color, you will be alright, but if you use a bitmap floor fill, drawing a polygon with the same fill won't necessarily blend in with the floor below (see attached example).
  • FYI, you can also achieve results by placing said "mask" on a different "Layer" instead of a different "Sheet" and using the "above, bellow, top, and bottom" commands to move the entity to where you want it within that sheet. It achieves the same result and you can then use the same effects for that whole sheet if you wish. Sometimes it's good to know multiple ways to achieve the same result.
  • Also, if you have an entity on a lower sheet and use "Bring Infront of" on it to move it above another entity on a higher sheet, the command will automatically move the entity on the lower sheet to the higher sheet so it can be in front of it. Same sort of deal with "Send Behind". "Bring to Front" and "Send to Back" won't move an entity off a sheet though.
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