Mercator-Style Globe in Fantasy Worlds Style?

I'm working on a large-scale world map at the moment, and what I really want to do is create a map using Annual28's Fantasy Worlds, but put that inside a half-globe like in Annual1's Mercator style. What would be the easiest way to do this? Thank you all much!


  • Start by creating your map with the globe you want to use: File -> New to get the New Drawing Wizard, select Overland Maps for Map Type, and click on Pick a Pre-Defined Template (NOT Decide Settings Myself). From the Browse Files dialog box, select the Mercator Globe FCT file (which is a template file in CC3) you want to use as your base. Do a File -> Save As to save the (MAP).FCW file with a name you prefer.

    Now go into File -> Drawing Properties to get the Drawing presets dialog box. On the Drawtools Style pull down menu at top, it should be pre-set to Mercator Historical. In the pull down, select another drawing style you want to use such as Overland CC3 (or in your case, Annual Fantasy Worlds).

    You should now be good to go with mapping in the style you want. Hope that helps.
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