Odd Map Link Bug

Hello all, I've searched but haven't found a similar question or response. I seem to have a map or two with an odd bug. If I draw in a link, it appears to be fine. However, if I then attempt to click on the link, the command bar shows "File to load:", and nothing happens. It seems to be specific to one or two maps. Is there some obvious setting I've mangled?


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Be sure to have a semicolon at the end of the File Load command. CC3 needs that to know the command is finished. Use "Numeric Edit" and click on the hotspot's bounding box to edit the command.
  • Thanks Ralf- for some reason in these maps the hyperlink command is truncating the actual file location... I can edit the link manually to include the whole name. I've never had this happen in many years of CC use, and I've never noticed file names being too long before.

    Thanks again for your help.
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