Drawing Tools Styles Not Showing?

Hi, When I select floor or wall on DD3, certain artwork samples do not show - instead they all come up as the same redwood finish. I've attached a picture to show what I mean - quite a few styles show up like this. How would I fix this?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    This happens when you use drawing tools from a different style to your current map.
    The drawing tools references fills in the current drawing, and if the drawing doesn't contain the fills it looks for, it will display the tools with the currently selected fill style instead.

    If you wish to use "foreign" drawing tools, you first need to import the appropriate fills into your drawing. The easiest way to do this is to create w new map in that style, and then,in your current map, use Draw -> Insert file, and then pick the new drawing you just made. Note that once you have the new on your cursor, you can simply hit Esc, you don't need to actually place it in your drawing, getting this far have already imported the fills.
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