Hi!I'm having some problems with downloads.I need help!

I am a newly registered user.
I was unable to activate any product from Profantasy's user page.Because it doesn't respond to clicking on anything except the Offers option!(I clicked on the download option and got no response,The interface is still at Offers)
Is there something wrong with the website?Or am I doing it wrong?
I am from China and my English is not very good, so I am typing the above words with the help of translation tool.But I really need your help!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer

    Have you tried using a different web browser, or disabling any add-ons like ad-blockers that might cause an issue with the page. As far as I know, nobody else have reported problems with it, so the page itself should be fine.

    If you cannot get it to work, you should contact support. You can email them at help@profantasy.com. They should be able to help you get your products in some way.
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